Modern electrical installations help to create a convenient and productive working environment, which is enhanced by a range of preprogrammed scenarios for lighting, blinds and temperature. At the same time, energy bills can be reduced through the use of daylightresponsive and/or motion-controlled lighting, dimmers for all types of modern loads (including dimmable CFLs and LEDs), or intelligent room thermostats.
Power & data desk grommets
An ingenious ergonomically designed system that can be used to pro depower, connect to the data network, or recharge a mobile phone. This solution integrates directly into the furniture with minimum effort and replaces existing cable entry plates. Mobile users have a handy high/low current connection point at their fingertips complete with a mobile phone charger.
Desktop units
Power and data distribution directly to the desktop for optimal user convenience. Empty desktop units can be fitted with any ArteorTM functions: audio/video sockets, HDMI… Attractive design and ergonomics suited for different office environment: open space, meeting rooms, individual workspaces…
Room Thermostat
Room thermostats or scenario controls for easy adjustment of temperature and lighting to individual requirements.